🛠 Tools & Plugins

Over the years I've worked on various kinds of personal tools which I host online to make accessible to anyone who's interested in them.
Open Unreal Utilities

General purpose utility plugin for Unreal Engine 4 containing runtime and testing utilties written in C++.

Open Unreal Utilities - JSON Data Assets

This plugin adds a new data asset type to Unreal Engine that allows asset serialization to JSON text files.

Open Unreal Coding Standard

C++ Coding conventions for UE projects formatted as C++ plugin.

Open Unreal Conventions

Coding and asset conventions for UE projects covering Blueprints and Python code.

Open Unreal Automation Tools

Build scripts and utilities surrounding Unreal Engine automation setups.

Extract Texture Report

Extracts the texture report table from UE4 *.memreport files and stores them as separte csv files.


Based on the in-engine class wizard, this command line utility helps creating new C++ source files for UE4 projects.

Unity3D Git Integration

Extension for Unity3D editor to interact with git. Closely modelled after Unreal Engine 4 source control integration in that it provides status icons and a simple staging/commit dialog.

Git Configuration Script

CMD script to setup the git commandline preferences and alliases as I like to use them.